Argentina won the World Cup for the first time since 1986 on Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022. They won 4-2 against France in an intense final match. Here is a picture of the winnings over the years:
When Argentina won, five million ecstatic fans were marching! Here is a video my family recorded:!AuCztlnf6PvqgQTE620pnMuT_AsY
In the video, some people were standing on the trash cans. The Argentinians were very happy about the win! Days later, when the soccer team came home, people lined up at the airport, ready to greet the victorious team. Later a parade was held for the soccer team, and they went down to the obelisk of Buenos Aires, which is traditionally the center of sporting celebrations. Sadly, my family did not see the soccer team from where they were. The Argentinian government declared an official holiday on the 20th of December so people could celebrate. Congratulations Argentina!