Have you ever felt you have the potential to improve your grades? If so, continue reading, because in this article I’ll inform you of five tips and tricks that will keep you proud of your grades!
1. Organization
An organized space is key to being a successful student. When your desk is neat, you don’t get overwhelmed and you can find everything with a snap of your finger. The first thing to keep in mind when organizing your area is don’t keep unnecessary items on our desk. It’s also a good idea to use labeled folders to group papers – this will free up some space. As for your pencil case, rubber banding alike items will make them more accessible. If you try these tips, you’ll be much less scatterbrained when at school!
2. Set Goals
My special advice to you is to get a planner! Planners and to-do lists are helpful when setting goals. Goals are great because they not only give you a visual of what you need to accomplish, but also decrease stress because you know what you need to do. When you check off a goal, that gets you one step closer to a reward. It’s like patting yourself on the back which encourages you to keep working hard at your goal. Next time, set goals so you can avoid having lots of thoughts and responsibilities flying all over the place.
3. Clear Distractions
I’m sure you’ve had this happen to you many times — you sit down to do school work, you get a text, and then before you know it you fall into the endless loophole of distractions that are clearly not helping you get school done! To prevent entertainment apps like social media from ruining your success, you must clear away all distractions. Try removing all devices from the room until you finish your school, or simply put them on do not disturb. I find this tip helpful to stay focused. Now you too can say goodbye to the distraction loophole!
4. Physical Activity
Staying active throughout the day is extremely important when needing to have a clear mind. There is scientific evidence to support this claim as well, according to Endorphins and Exercise: Their Excellent Mental Health Benefits. Whenever you exercise, your body produces something called endorphins. Endorphins are the happy chemicals in your body that make you feel good. That’s why we all feel good after some light, physical activity! To squeeze this into your jam-packed schedule after school, try downloading some exercise apps. If you don’t have a device, you can try playing some music and making up your routine with paper, pencil and a timer!
5. Take Notes The Smart Way
Lastly, there is note-taking — which doesn’t have to be difficult anymore if you follow this tip! When you go through lessons, try taking notes only on important information. This way, looking over your notes is much easier. Bullet lists , T-charts and highlighters are great tools to emphasize your notes. Avoid using pens for neater writing and instead try some newer school supplies like erasable pens, colored lead pencils and mistake-correcting tape. With these note-taking tips, you’ll be off to a good year.
With all of these tips, you’ll be off to a good start with your clear, organized space, inside and out. Hopefully this article will help you become the successful student that you are. Happy studies!
Hope you like the article guys! This will hopefully help you keep up or start your A-game!