At age 13, Delaney Pickering is working to prevent the wasteful use of resources while helping the environment and the creatures that live in it. Delaney created her own blog and records all of her adventures to share that conserving is a great way to help the environment.
Being an online student with FLVS Flex has helped her accomplish her goals and allowed her to do what she loves. In the photo above, Delaney is pictured with the Volusia County Beach Manager who helped her install two fill-a-bag stations that she manages for beach visitors to pick up trash.
What Started it All
Delaney found a love for conservation around second grade. She says, “I learned about local wildlife conservation in my area during a Marine Science Center summer camp in Ponce Inlet, Florida. They taught about how pollution, specifically plastic, effects the intracoastal and its inhabitants and that is what sparked my interest in the world of conservation.”
It’s amazing how students can pick up an interest so quickly and try to change the world with the curiosity that interest brings you.
That is exactly what Delaney did. She created “Conservation Recreation” just over two years ago, which recently became a non-profit organization. She has accomplished many projects over the years and sponsored them too. Delaney even had the chance to speak at the Daytona Beach Commissioner’s meeting against single-use plastics.

School Time
School can be hard for people with hobbies and other events that take up a lot of time. To ensure she had time for both, Delaney decided to become an FLVS Flex student. Delaney says, “Being an FLVS Flex student has allowed me more time to do the things I love.” Not only does she focus on helping the environment, but she also enjoys other activities such as “horse riding, photography, and rowing with my teammates.” Her favorite subjects are Literature, Algebra 1, and Photography.

Learn more about how Delaney makes a difference while having fun on her blog,
Delaney you are truly an inspiration! What a great opportunity FLVS has given you. Keep up your passion, the earth needs you!